Saturday, October 1, 2016

How the Unicorns Went Extinct

Day 1
Today my grandfather finished building his ark. He says the world will be flooded and the only way we will survive is to get into the boat. P.S. , the boat is filled with animals, and half of them are either poisonous, carnivorous, or huge enough to trample you. No one decided to come with us. Surprise. Everyone, including most of our family, thinks he’s crazy. But, we have had cloudy days in the past week, so my whole family is on the ark. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we can always get off.

Day 7
It definitely rained. In fact, it still is raining. Our village is flooded and everyone is waist- deep in muddy water. I’m glad I’m dry in the boat, even if I have to share my room with pigs.

Day 13
As I write, the bottom floor of the ark is being filled with water. Earlier today, a whale crashed into the side of the boat, breaking a hole into the unicorn’s room. Unfortunately, we couldn’t save the unicorns. Luckily, though, there were only two species of animals at the bottom of the ark; the sheep and the unicorns. We relocated the sheep to my room.

Day 22
The hole is small so the water is only leaking a little, but even so, it is coming up the stairs to the second floor. Hopefully the rain will stop soon or we will have to move more animals. And there are wild cats on the second floor.

Day 30
The second floor has flooded, and we tried moving the tigers, but as soon as we opened the door, they bolted. My uncles, Ham and Japheth are horrible tiger hunters. I’m glad tigers can’t open doors or sheep wouldn’t exist anymore.

Day 35
The ark should have sunk a long time ago, but even with two and a half floors flooded, it still floats. Also, the rain isn’t pouring as much as before. Hopefully this means we can get off soon.

Day 40
The rain has finally stopped! But I’m sure that it will be a long time until the water goes down. For now, we wait, and thank the lord that we survived. Minus the unicorns.

The end


  1. I really love this story! You did a super job! For real.

  2. I love this!!! Very entertaining, witty, and original. Love the facts thrown in to keep it believable. Thanks!

  3. Wow you are good at "keepin' it real"

  4. Wow you are good at "keepin' it real"
